Brittany Caldwell
Coordinator of Community Engagement

Brittany was born and raised in the beautiful town of Natchez, MS. In 2011, she graduated from Mississippi College with a Bachelor of Science in nursing. Brittany is a registered nurse with a background in hospice care, community health, and faith community nursing. Following college, Brittany attended George W. Truett Theological Seminary in Waco, Texas, where she earned a Master of Divinity with an emphasis in Missions and World Christianity. During her time in Waco, she was ordained to the ministry by Lakeview Baptist Church, where she was serving in a volunteer role. In 2017, Brittany was called to serve as co-pastor alongside her husband at Nobles Chapel Baptist Church in Wilson, N.C.

She is currently working on a Doctor of Ministry degree from Campbell University which will center around the relationship between faith communities and health in the world we live in today. 

Brittany began to feel God calling her back to the Deep South after many years abroad, and is now thrilled to be serving as the Coordinator of Community Engagement for the Great Rivers Fellowship. In her spare time, Brittany enjoys traveling, reading high fantasy, camping, hiking and spending time with her husband and little girl. Follow GRF Community Engagement on Instagram.

Shane McNary
Coordinator of Ministry

Shane was born in Little Rock and raised around central Arkansas. He was baptized at Plum Bayou Baptist Church not far from England, Arkansas. After graduating from England High School, he continued his education at Ouachita Baptist University where he received a BA in Accounting and Religion/Pastoral Ministries. He earned an MDiv with Honors from George W Truett Seminary at Baylor University and later attended Fuller Theological Seminary in where he earned a ThM in Intercultural Studies.

Shane served as a pastor at Mt Roberts Baptist Church, Campbellsville, KY and at First Southern Baptist Church-Magnet Cove, AR prior to being appointed by CBF as Global Missions Field Personnel to serve among the Romani peoples in Slovakia and Czechia.

During his eighteen years as field personnel, Shane has preached and led Bible studies in culturally diverse congregations and small groups across Europe; hosted and coordinated dozens of short-term mission teams from the US and Europe; served as a permanent representative for Baptist World Alliance to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland focusing on Freedom of Religion or Belief issues as well as working with European Baptist Federation chairing their Freedom and Justice Commission. Shane was instrumental in designing and co-facilitating the International Baptist Theological Study Centre-Amsterdam and European Baptist Federation’s Freedom of Religion or Belief Training Programme.

Shane is married to Dianne and they have two adult children and several grandchildren. In his spare time, Shane enjoys hiking, photography, and traveling. He is looking forward to moving back to Arkansas where he can get a fishing license. Follow GRF Ministry on Instagram.